Tech Tuseday: Tracking by Tile

There are so many things we carry around every day and plenty more that are used within the house and at work, all overlooked until they go missing. That's when the mini-heart attack sets in and the mind starts to backtrack to where it might've been lost and what you're going to do if you can't find it. If this has already happened, too late, but before it happens again, consider Tile for your necessities. Keys, wallets, bags, remotes, whatever it may be, this little Bluetooth enabled tracking system partners with a phone to keep track of up to 8 different tiles at once. If an item is lost within 100 meters of your location, the Tile app will display the signal strength of the tile, getting stronger the closer it becomes and then ringing when it is close; if at a greater distance, the app will display the last location the Tile was within range. For peace of mind, do yourself a favor and grab a couple of these Tiles for yourself, they're only $17.50 a piece!

Check in tomorrow for a style piece that needs to be in your wardrobe and next Tuesday for some more great technology!