Pocket squares may be one the easiest and cheapest style upgrades you could possibly have. Barring the fact that you splurge on over sized swatches of fabric, you can find them at my favorite site (The Tie Bar) anywhere between $8-$15 depending on the fabric or collaboration it might be affiliated to. But such an easy thing can turn sour if not done correctly.
It's not quite a widespread problem just yet, but lately, I have noticed an abundance of men who have these birds of paradise like pocket squares billowing out of the chest pocket on their jacket. At that point, it doesn't matter what the fabric or pattern or detailing the square may have because you have just lost any style that it innately had in the first place.
We are men and we are well dressed men most of the time. We are not clowns showboating our style around and we most certainly not attending costume parties everyday that require such garish and gaudy accessorizing. Cotton and wool pocket squares are meant to stick out of the pocket in a geometric and controlled manner where as silk is allowed to have a little bit of airiness to it, almost pillow like. Keep true to those 2 methods and you'll get noticed in all the right ways.
Got a little busy yesterday so today is a double post, so check in again for Celebrity Saturday and next Friday for another edition of Friday Faux Pas!